While watching Teoh Yi Chie on youtube I realized that there are a few teachers/instructors/content creators that have made this past year of learning how to really enjoyable. This post is a really quick summary of their channels.

Teoh Yi Chie

Teoh creates too many videos for any summary to ever adequate describe. I love his urban sketching style. Great pen/ink drawings with enough color to give you a great impression of the places he visits. I mostly watch his youtube channel, which he publishes videos to very regularly, say 4-5 times per week. The types of videos I like are:

  1. How to build a palette beginners guide
  2. Draw alongs (usually 2 parts, a sketch and paint)
  3. general comparision of items (such as porcelain vs plastic) The types of watercolor paper/fountain pen/color brands are great.
  4. equipment reviews A specific watercolor book

He usually also posts the written information for all of these on his blog https://www.parkablogs.com/

Jane Blundel

Jane’s website is the most comprehensive paint color compairisons that I’ve been able to find. [This sequence of posts]https://janeblundellart.blogspot.com/2013/06/watercolour-comparisons-1-ultramarine.html (which includes links to the other ones that are similar) is such a great way to see how different paints look. The blog and website are quite nice. The gallery is great to look at for a bit different style than I typically go for (Jane’s plein air paintings are quite realistic), and as such has been a good way to push me to expand my skills.

(Beginner) Makoccino

Some really great beginner videos here as well, on youtube. These two are great, 3 tall wet on wets, 4 square easy paintings Some more general youtuby content as well, including info on brushes and mixing etc.

(Beginner) Ekaterina Smirnova

This youtube channel has some really great 1st/2nd month of making art level guides. The ones labeled easy are great beginner/intermediate level guides. I will likely return to a few of them now that I’ve been painting 9 months or so to try again with new skills. This is a very visual style of learning, you’re basically looking over someone’s shoulder, and that works great for me, but may not for you.

(Intermediate/Advanced) James Gurney

Youtube He paints gouache, a more opaque medium. But the way he talks about light and perspective is so good, it’s impossible not to recommend.

(Intermediate/Advanced) Irmgard Rawn

On Irmgard’s youtube chanel is some really neat watercolor techniques that are a bit out of the mainstream. I love the abstract colors and textures. Would highly recommend if you’re ever stuck not knowing wat to do next, watching ones of these videos. Youtube

(Intermediate/Advanced) Shibasaki

The 5 min easy paints are so wonderful. I wish it was easier to discover youtube videos in other languages. Japanese watercolor youtube is so nice, and Watercolor by Shibsaki is the first channel I’ve watched a bit of.

(Advanced) Rick Surowicz

Youtube Such a great loose landscape/rural style. Rick really explains the thought process along the way. From how to draw, how to make color pop etc. I had trouble following along when I first started, and so it’s a bit more advanced, but great to do now.

(Beginner/Intermediate) James Richards

This is absolutely the best single video I’ve watched, for doing the urban sketching I like. On skillshare, but highly recommend. Very dense with great info, and the style is so good. Skillshare

(Intermediate/Advanced) Louise De Masi

Such great animal and flower/plant videos. The washes in particular are very pretty. Marked advanced because the details are difficult sometimes, I think Louise’s skills have created that gap where it happens so fast it’s hard to emulate. skillshare